суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

body armor outdoor gear

Wow, livejournal saved my last draft from a year ago LOL

Anyway, Iapos;m married. Itapos;ll be a year in December. Iapos;d be lying if I told you it was easy, but Iapos;d be cutting you short if I didnapos;t tell you it was worth it. I love my husband dearly. Unconditionally. Heapos;s my world. Itapos;s hard though. Love usually is. Itapos;s a roller coaster and weapos;re both still getting used to the ride. Itapos;s definably a big adjustment... Especially for me. For starters, Iapos;m living in a totally different country... Away from family and friends (heapos;s in the air force). And, before this... I was probably the least committed person to anything ever in life. .. Ha

But Iapos;m happy with him. Our situation sucks, but Iapos;ll deal.

dance history time line, body armor outdoor gear.

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