воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

camping mendocino

I am ill, so ill. Definitely much worse today, with a chest infection to boot. Taking tomorrow off work, and will be taking myself and older son (who is even worse afflicted) off to the doctors. Younger son, however, is full of beans Iapos;m quite impressed that despite feeling like death warmed up Iapos;ve managed to keep said boisterous younger son (and extremely poorly-sick son) entertained, clean the kitchen and living room, and prepare a Sunday roast. Now weapos;ve eaten I will be packing the kids off to bed and heading for my own. Oh for a good fanfic sponging...

The rest of the day, in between messing about with my LJ layout and watching endless clips of Morecambe and Wise on Youtube (and I have rediscovered a whole new fannishness there, probably more of which anon) Iapos;ve been working my way through the LMFA ballot. Itapos;s all gone well until one particular slash category where I love every single fic in it ::flails::. I might have to resort to eeny, meeny, miny mo, at this rate... ::wrestles with indecision::

No writing, though. Brain not engaged :-(

::hugs and pets rest of poorly flist:: hearts;
camping mendocino, camping memberships for sale, camping memberships, camping membership sale.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

body armor outdoor gear

Wow, livejournal saved my last draft from a year ago LOL

Anyway, Iapos;m married. Itapos;ll be a year in December. Iapos;d be lying if I told you it was easy, but Iapos;d be cutting you short if I didnapos;t tell you it was worth it. I love my husband dearly. Unconditionally. Heapos;s my world. Itapos;s hard though. Love usually is. Itapos;s a roller coaster and weapos;re both still getting used to the ride. Itapos;s definably a big adjustment... Especially for me. For starters, Iapos;m living in a totally different country... Away from family and friends (heapos;s in the air force). And, before this... I was probably the least committed person to anything ever in life. .. Ha

But Iapos;m happy with him. Our situation sucks, but Iapos;ll deal.

dance history time line, body armor outdoor gear.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


I wonder if I should be happy that my mind has been taken off of it by helping someone else or just pissed that He did it to someone else. I think Iapos;m pissed. Andrew is confused as it is. He doesnapos;t need this. Donapos;t start in on him. You just fucking attacked him over the summer. Twice in a year is too hard. Youapos;re going to fucking kill him. I canapos;t stand the thought of you right now. I feel bad enough when this shit happens to me but no one deserves this and I can honestly say I feel worse when itapos;s happening to someone else. He is completely in the dark. Let me trade places with him because honestly, God, youapos;ve given me a lot of practice havenapos;t you...
exhilaration.com, exhilarations, exhilarative, exhilarator.